Sunday, February 17, 2013

pink, gold, green..just love the colors on my eyes!these are the things i managed to give a try.have a look!

winter blues for a garba function..a  beautiful blue gujrati saree and gajra decorated hair...isnt that awesome

smoky purple for a turquoiseblue green chaniya outfit loads of compliments for this one !!

black pink smoky look for a strawberry and red coloured designer saree..n some bridal jewellery to go alone with it..hows dat!

here is the pic of the  purple blue green look.its not very clear but that was the best i could do on a mobile.

hope u like it!

Friday, February 15, 2013

ah, the weekend.finally. so today i have decided to design my own greeting cards. sounds fun, eh?i have even managed to collect a few pieces of coloured paper, some earring pieces, and some coloured ribbons. i also have some stickers and a tattoo pen ready.i m planning to make it more special by creating a nice poem(rubbing off my poetry making skills here) and make it more creative. sounds cool?!

i wud be designing this card for someone but as of now......i want to keep this as a surprise!!

would be posting the pics very soon. stay tuned!
